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Cabin Construct specialises in selling chalets  abroad. We do this under the motto "Wooden cabins built to pop!".  Meanwhile, we have more than 15 years of experience in the wood construction industry and more than 10 international partners.

Reliable and durable

We are one of the only companies in Belgium who's EN 13782 certified. This European standard imposes strict requirements on the construction and testing of our temporary chalets and larger structures.

To guarantee that our structures contribute to sustainable forest management, we purchase wood that carries both the PEFC and FSC labels. Wood exploited in this way does not deplete the earth further and provides a balance between the ecological, economic and social aspects of the forest.

Our strengths

  • Our structures are easy and quick to assemble. 

  • Certified and compliant with European standard norms.

  • Efficient transport & storage

  • Sustainable design

  • Unique product for an event venue